Monday, February 7, 2011

complexity of a car

The stuff you might not know about trucks and cars is that they use a lot of different parts to be able to run.  Engines uses gas to be combusted within the engine where then it is injected through the fuel injectors where it is then placed within the piston where it get spark from the plugs. The engine then makes the transmission work which then goes to the driveshaft which then connects by universal joints that then go into the rear differential to move the back tires that are on the axle. Then it moves the whole entire truck or car. It is very crucial to have a good battery for this starts your car and keeps your radio and other electronics on in your car. The alternator is what keeps your batteries charged up while the car is running. The radiator is pumped throughout the engine which is then cooling your engine. The water pump is what pumps it through your engine.

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